Google Doodles Maria Montessori's 142nd Birthday

Google Doodles Maria Montessori's 142nd Birthday. Maria Montessori yang lahir di Italia, 31 Agustus 1870, adalah seorang guru, ilmuwan dan dokter. Google hari ini memperingati 142 tahun kelahiran Maria. Ia mengembangkan sebuah metode pendidikan anak-anak dengan memberi kebebasan bagi mereka untuk melakukan kegiatan dan mengatur acara harian. Metode ini kelak dikenal dengan Metode Montessori.
Educational tools adorn the Google home page on Friday in honour of the Italian educator Maria Montessori on her 142nd birth anniversary. 
Montessori is best known for developing an educational system that bears her name and is practised in thousands of schools around the world. The Montessori system of education tries to uncover a child's creative potential and gives emphasis on independence. 
Born on August 31, 1870, Maria Montessori was the first Italian woman to get a degree in medicine. She graduated from the University of Rome in 1896

In 1907 she opened her first preschool for children and her success to the opening of other Montessori schools. She travelled to different countries, including India, to disseminate her educational system. Maria Montessori was in India from 1939 to 1946.
On May 6, 1952, Montessori died of a cerebral haemorrhage in the Netherlands. She was 81.

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