Olga Ladyzhensky As 97th Birthday

 Olga Ladyzhensky As 97th Birthday

Google is never one to skimp on creativity. Every now and then, the search engine sheds its red, yellow, blue and green logo for dates deserving of acknowledgment.

Throughout the year, anniversaries, birthdays and holidays alike are given the royal Google treatment with a dedicated illustration: a Google Doodle.

Since 1998, the doodle team has created more than 2000 drawings, regularly updating the search engine home page.

Here are all the Google Doodles for Australia from 2019. Which one is your favourite?

Olga Ladyzhenskaya was a Russian mathematician born on March 7, 1922. She was first introduced to maths by her father, and she quickly fell in love with algebra.

When she was 15, Ladyzhenskaya’s father was jailed and executed by Soviet officials for being an “enemy of the state”. Due to his reputation, she was barred from attending the Leningrad State University, despite excellent grades.

Eventually, after years of teaching maths, Ladyzhenskaya was accepted into Moscow State University where she earned her PhD.

After publishing over 250 papers and becoming renowned for her methods of solving differential equations, the Russian Academy of Sciences awarded Ladyzhenskaya the Lomonosov Gold Medal in 2002.

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