Kata Ucapan SMS Imlek 2016 Tahun Baru Cina 2567

Kata Ucapan Imlek 2016 Tahun Baru Cina 2567
Semarak hari raya Tahun Baru Cina 2567 yang dirayakan jatuh pada tanggal 8 Pebruari 2016 sudah semakin jelas. Selain mempersiapkan bunga, jeruk, kue lapis dan kertas ang pao, salah satu tradisi yang mengikuti perayaan ini adalah saling mengirimkan kata ucapan Imlek yang berisi harapan dan doa di tahun yang baru.

Di masa teknologi sekarang ini, kata ucapan Imlek seringkali dikirimkan melalui SMS atau pesan singkat serta lewat berbagai layanan pesan lainnya seperti BBM, WhatsApp, WeChat, dan media sosial termasuk Facebook dan Twitter. Untuk mempermudah pengguna hp memeriahkan tahun shio ‘Monyet Api‘ ini. 

Berikut Kata Ucapan SMS Imlek 2016 Tahun Baru Cina 2567 singkat versi bahasa Inggris yang telah dikumpulkan oleh tim dangstars.blogspot.com (07/2/2016).

“May the Year of the Goat attract all the good wishes this year. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“Light the lanterns and usher in another great year with new hopes and aspirations. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“Another year gone by, another year about to start and another set of opportunities being provided to you for realizing all your unfulfilled dreams in this Chinese New Year.”

“Hope the days ahead are filled with immense joy and prosperity. Happy Chinese New Year.”

“Hope the rising sun will bring with it bundles of joy, happiness and luck. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“Happy Year of the Goat to you! Good luck and great success in the coming New Year.”

“May the bold Chinese New Year firecracker scare away the bad luck and welcome the good luck all through the year!”

“Rich blessings for health and longevity is my special wish for you in the coming Year of the Goat.”
“Good luck, good health, good cheer and pass an happy New Year.”

“Happy Chinese New Year! Always welcome the new morning with a new spirit, a smile on your face, love in your heart and good thoughts in your mind.“

“The Goat is a symbol of hard work and of the ability to endure any amount of hardship without complaint – perhaps the most fitting symbol for the year ahead of us. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“May you have prosperous and joyous New Year. May this holiday be the start of your path towards success. Happy Chinese New Year!”

“Fun,love, joy & happines will come near with my special wish on this day. Happy Lunar New Year!”

“GONG XI FA CAI! Wishing you good health , happiness & prosperity in the Year of the Goat.”

“I wish that this New Year may bring harmony, love and endless happiness to you and to all the members of your family. Wishing you all the best this Chinese New Year! Gong Xi Fa Cai.”

“When the bell tolls tonight for the Chinese New Year 2016, let it be a sign for all the better things for you to come. Wishing you a very very happy New Year!”

“On this New Year, may a small investment bring you ten-thousand fold of profits! Wishing you a prosperous and beautiful Chinese New Year!”

“May best and most heartfelt wishes on your way yhis coming Chinese New Year. Wishing you a peaceful and blessed New Year. Gong Xi Fa Cai!”

Berikut Kata Ucapan Imlek 2016 Tahun Baru Cina 2567 singkat versi bahasa Indonesia yang telah dikumpulkan oleh tim dangstars.blogspot.com (07/2/2016).

“Selamat tahun baru Imlek 2567
Gong Xi Fat Cai – Wan Se Ru Yi, Sen Thi Cien Khang.
Semoga senantiasa diberi kesehatan, damai sejahtera dalam rumah tangga dan kesuksesan. Amin.”

“GONG XI FA CAI” 2567 Semoga Imlek membawa rejeki yang berlimpah dan kesehatan buat kita semua.”

“Happy Chinese New Year. May better luck come into us in this new year. Gong xi. Gong xi. Gong xi fa cai 2567”

Semoga Imlek membawa rejeki yang berlimpah dan kesehatan buat kita semua.”

Gong Xie! Fat! ” Chai ”
Sin Nie Chin Phu”
“Wan Se Ju Ie”
“Sen Thie Chien Kang”

Semoga tahun barumu diawali dengan senyuman dan hati yang bersih.
“Gong xi fa cai.” Happy always

Raihlah bintang di malam tahun baru ini,
semoga apa yang menjadi keinginanmu bisa tercapai. “Gong xi fa cai”

Ketika jam sudah menujukan puku 12 teng!
artinya kita harus siap menghadapi tahun baru.
semoga keberuntungan bersamamu. “Gong Xi Fa Cai.”
Semua kata-kata ucapan Imlek 2016 berisi doa dan harapan untuk memperoleh yang terbaik memasuki tahun Monyet Api 2567.

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