Search Engine Optimization Tutorial.Discover the black magic of keyword research and search engine optimization and start driving traffic to your blog! I'll tell you a secret: it's not magic, it's definitely not black magic and it's a lot simpler than you think, if you haven't looked into it before. Keyword research is kind of science, but don't be afraid, the first steps are as easy as using a search engine.
Read on and I'll show you the basics of keyword research and get you started!
What is Keyword Research?
With keyword research, we're trying to find and research actual search terms people enter into the search engines when conducting a search.
When you type something to a search engines, like Google, you are searching by using keywords, for example you might search "cute kitten pictures" - cute, kitten and pictures all being keywords that the search engine tries to find from websites to determine whether or not the web page is relevant to your search. Using a complicated process, the search engine determines which of the web pages it knows, is the most relevant for you and shows it as number one result.
Keyword research is done to find the keyword popularity for relevant keywords with a purpose of identifying the best keywords to target for high search engine rankings.
Keyword / Key Phrase: The word or phrase that a user enters into a search engine, used in searches trying to find a specific target.
Keyword Density: The more times that a given word, words or phrases appears on your page (within reason), the more weight that word is assigned by the search engine when that word matches a keyword search done by a search engine user.
Search engine. A web search engine examines websites on the Internet in order to provide a catalog of information contained on those websites. There are two primary types of search engines: search engines and search directories. Search engines, such as Google, send out robots or spiders to index your website, after which your site is evaluated and cataloged in the search engine. With directories, such as Mahalo, Yahoo and LookSmart, human editors review most websites material and catalog it in the directory.
How Keyword Research Can Help Your Blog or Website?
When you write your own content to a web page or a blog, the words in the text you write are crawled by the search engines and stored into their database. For your site to be found from a search engine it answers the "question" the searcher "asks" with the search phrase she uses. What this means to you, is that if you're trying to answer a certain question, problem or just deliver news, and you think "how would I search to find this kind of information?" - you have found the essence of keyword research! When you combine the (key)words you think that people are searching for and target your text on that, you're forming phrases.
As you start using tools to determine if your assumptions are correct or not, you will try to find the what people are actually using to search - which is through phrases (you don't find very relevant results by just searching "cat" if your looking for "kitten pictures", right?). If you have created a post about cute kitten pictures, you could check how often people search for using these phrases:
- "cute kitten"
- "cute kittens"
- "cute kitten pictures"
- "kitten pictures"
- "kitten pics
- "cat pics"
- "cute cat"
- "cute cat pictures"
- "cat pictures"
Google is the most important search engine, so it makes sense to concentrate on that at the start. To do keyword research on Google, head to the Google Keyword Tool.
Google Keyword Tool
And you'll get results for the keywords and phrases you entered and additional, related keyword ideas..
Google Keyword Research Results
Google Keyword Tool and Keyword Ideas
After finding the approximate search volumes, the other thing you can consider is how many sites the search engine finds with that term, to check "the competition" if you will.
Search Engine Results for Chosen Keywords
One target of keyword research is to find the best keywords for your article, blog post, or the whole website or blog. One strategy in this is to target High Search Volume - Low Competition keywords. Which means that a lot of people search with those keywords and phrases (over 1000 searches a month is "a lot" in this context), but there are not too many websites that pop-up in the search engine with that exact term. The difference between a keyword, phrase and exact match is very important..For example, at the time of writing this, Google finds:
- 736,000,000 pages for keyword cat
- 24,500,000 pages for keyword kitten
- 12,200,000 pages for keywords kitten pictures
- 6,470,000 pages for keywords cute kitten pictures
So it would be very hard to get your content into the top results, so people would find it. Just think how often you go beyond the first page of search results - not very often right?
With Search Engine Optimization (SEO), we try to get our pages on the FIRST page. Against millions of pages it is not impossible, but it is very difficult. So we're better of trying a different route at the beginning, and shoot for the exact matches and search for the phrases by placing quotes (e.g. "cute kitten pictures") on the keywords we're using, as most search engines value the exact match very high, so a page with exact match to the search term has higher chance to end up on top.
Let's see how many results we get phrasing the keywords we used in the above example:
- 83,600 for a phrase "kitten pictures"
- 15,100 for a phrase "cute kitten pictures"
If we look at the search volume we found from Google Keyword Tool for "cute kitten pictures", we see that it was 5400. So on average, 5400 searches are made monthly for "cute kitten pictures" and there's only 15000+ pages that are exact match for that term, which makes this a great search term for your to "target" with your cat blog. Note that this example is actually a bit tricky as it includes "pictures" and we didn't take a look at the image results, but still provides you an example of what keyword research is about.
I hope you found this tutorial useful. If you have any questions, use the comments below and speak your mind.
You have done your Keyword Research, and now you should utilize that information. You can use the keywords in your advertising campaign and the text links in those, and you can start optimizing your blog or spesific blog post for the keywords you found. Thus, you enter the world of Search Engine Optimization, SEO. The main purpose of SEO is to get Search Engine Traffic, which can be seen as a free way to driving traffic to your blog after it's done once.
Let's see what you can do with the list of keywords you have..
From Keyword Research Into Search Engine Optimization
You can use the information you found on the keywords and phrases to do optimization of your blog posts or articles in your website. To summarize, you would include the best search phrases and keywords you've found in your article, with the best being high search volume and low competition, as that is a great starting point. This is called Search Engine Optimization, SEO.
With SEO, you would try to optimize the text for specific terms, keywords and phrases you want (the ones you found by doing keyword research). You must first consider your readers and keep the text natural. Second, pay attention to the total number of keyword occurrences on a page versus total number of words, known as Keyword Density. Most experts agree that 4-8% should be the maximum keyword density, but the specific percentage is not important at start, just remember to avoid going too far and fill the page with certain keyword.
Simple Search Engine Optimization for a Blog Post
First, do keyword research and try to find the best keywords and phrases for your post. If your post answers a certain question or offers a solution to a specific problem. Start by thinking what phrases would you use if you would have the same problem, use the keyword search tools to find the related terms, refine the terms until you find a list of keywords and phrases that you could use in your article.
Then if you want, check the competition for those words by looking how many results search engine finds for the exact match of the search terms, by using quotes around the terms, e.g. "how to fix my car". Choose the best keywords and phrases from your list, pick 1-12 and go with those. Take 1-3 of the keywords and phrases as main words, try to use them as the title and headers in addition to the text, and use the rest in the article text, but not in the headers or title.
Keep the list of keywords you have, and re-use the keywords in different posts and articles you write. Target different keywords in different blog posts and link to the other articles by using the main phrase or keyword of the target article.
Basic SEO principles for writing a blog post or article:
- Write your post naturally first, without thinking about keywords or SEO
- After the text is nearly done, read it through and see if you can replace some words or phrases with the keywords you found
- warning! don't go overboard and fill the whole text with the keywords, as this is known as keyword stuffing
- You might get penalized by search engines for keyword stuffing, and most of all, you'll drive away YOUR READERS.
- Use the good keyword phrases you found as headers in the text if applicable (using H1, H2, H3 html tags)
- Use the best keyword phrase you found in the title of your post (at the top, H1 tag).
Short Version of the Keyword Research and SEO Tutorial:
- look for natural search phrases that you think people use
- use keyword search tools to determine the best keywords
- refine and find the best phrases using the search tools
- write your text for the readers
- see if there is room for the keywords you found
- use the phrases as headlines and title if they fit naturally
Targeting these kind of keywords and phrases gets you going and targeting the high competition keywords comes later, as when shooting for the high competition keywords, the importance of keywords and phrases go down and the importance of popularity of your site goes up (simplifying the matter).
The basic SEO is quite simple as explained in this tutorial, but there's huge amount of information available on the subject if you want to know more, and all you have to do is search for it. Whatever you find first in the search engine is probably good, as SEO related terms are the most competitive keywords..
Source : Antti Kokkonen
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