20 Tips And Tricks To Earn More Revenue With Adsense

Is it possible to make money with Google Adsense? Plenty of websites would attest to that – but what is their secret to success? Some had a lot of luck, but most of them have worked hard to get to where they are today. The thing is, monetizing your site is no magic, but a science. To help you out, we have compiled a list of x tips you can follow to maximize your earning potential with Google Adsense.

1. Publish High-Quality Content Consistently

As obvious as it may be, this is the most important tip of it all – everything else you do to get more ad clicks are just tweaks. If you don’t have high-quality content, you won’t have high-quality traffic and advertisers won’t be bidding for a spot on your site. It is as simple as that. If your content is good, but you don’t publish regularly, people will stop bothering coming back to your site, so you will start to see a drop in numbers. Before you do anything else to try and increase your Google Adsense revenue, you need to make sure you have good content that users enjoy.

2. Bump Conversion With Ad Variety

An easy way to encourage more clicks is to have more than one type of ad unit on your site, in different sizes. This means that users will get to see more ads from Google’s ad inventory and be more likely to click on one of them. Image and text ads compete for the same space on your site in auctions. Increasing the competition may bump your earnings.

3. Place the Best Performing Ad First in a Page’s HTML Code

You may have to go scratch in your Adsense analytics a bit to figure out which ad has the best click through rate, but if you can place this ad’s code first in every page’s HTML code, it can actually bump your revenue. It would be the first ad Google’s Adsense Crawler will see, which means it will get the most impressions, increasing its auction value and earning you more money.

4. Keep the Number of Ads Above The Fold to a Minimum

While it is good to have ads above the fold (the part of your page that is visible without having to scroll), don’t cram it with ad units. Users are turned off if they open a website and all they see is ads, making it hard for them to read the actual content. This will not only increase your bounce rate, but Google also penalizes pages that do this.

5. Use the Most Popular Ad Sizes

Certain ad sizes tend to be way more popular with advertisers than others. When you create your ads, use the recommended sizes. Currently, the most popular sizes are the 160x600, 720x90, 336x280, and the 320x100 mobile banner.

6. Tag Your Images

Be sure to use keywords in your image alt tags to ensure your images show up in image search engines. You will be surprised at how much more AdSense you can earn from this type of traffic.

7. Follow the Rules

Follow Google’s Best practices for ad placement to ensure you don’t get penalized and lose money that way.

8. Use Google Custom Search

This is a great way to boost your Adsense revenue. If you use Google Custom Search as your site search, you will get a cut of any ad-revenue the search generates.

9. Make Text Ads More Visible

Experiment with your text ad units’ color to make them more visible. Every site has a different look and style and you need to make the ads look good on your site. Certain colors may be too bright and distracting on a dark background and vice versa. Try to match the border and background color of the text ads with your site’s design for a better user experience. You can use contrast to let the ads stand out, but stay within your site’s color scheme. Measure the results and pick the format that performs best.

10. Ensure That You Have a Responsive Design

With around 60% of online users spending a lot of time on mobile platforms, having a responsive web design has really become a must. If your website doesn’t resize correctly for mobile and you don’t have responsive ads, your users won’t get to see the ads, which can greatly affect your clicks. AdSense offers codes for responsive ad units – be sure to enable it. If you don’t have a responsive website yet, it may be time for an upgrade.

11. Add Link Units to Your Page

Link units are small units that you are allowed to place on a page in addition to the main three AdSense units. They display keywords related to your users’ interest and may boost your revenue if you place them correctly.

12. Link Google Analytics With Adsense

If you don’t have the stats it is hard to figure out how to improve on your site. Linking your Google Analytics account with Adsense will allow you to see how your traffic influences your ad revenue. You will also be able to see which pages get the most traffic and ad clicks and where they come from. This can help you figure out what type of content works best for your users and which strategies work to drive traffic to your site.

13. Make It All About Your Users

Don’t get so caught up in trying to make money online that you forget all about your users. If they consistently find good content on your site that provides them with value, they will be back – and so will their friends. Remember to balance the way your site looks, the layout and the ads with your content. You need to provide an experience that is aesthetically pleasing and enjoyable. Look at your site critically through the eyes of a user and try and see where you can improve the experience.

14. Keep an Eye on Your Scorecard

Google has conveniently placed a scorecard on your AdSense dashboard that can pinpoint certain issues with your site. It gives you an indication how well your site fares compared to those of other publishers when it comes to the load speed, ad-units, crawler errors and mobile ad performance. If there is anything obvious that can be affecting your Adsense, it will show up on your scorecard.

15. Use Keywords Wisely

Certain words are still very important for people to discover your content. Use a keyword tool such as the one offered by SEMrush to discover which keywords in your niche get the best CPC. Use them wisely without spamming them all over your site. Rather research them in-depth and create valuable content around them.

16. Build an Audience First

Once you have your website up and running, it may seem like a good idea to immediately set up your AdSense account, but it is actually better to build your audience first. Seeing ads all over may put your visitors off and you want to establish your site as a reputable destination first, without looking like someone who is only in it for the money.

17. Refrain From Blocking And Filtering Too Much

Google allows you to specify which types of ads you don’t want people to see on your site. If you want to earn revenue, don’t block or filter anything unless you really have to. You will just be reducing your site’s earning potential.

18. Experiment With Your Ad Units

To find out which ad formats work best with your site, you need to split test them. Test whether text-only ads or those with both text and images work better in certain positions. Play around with the background colors and font size of your text ads. Use Google Adsense’s experiments to set this up.

19. Keep Yourself Informed

Google Adsense is constantly growing and changing, which means your site will have to keep up with the latest changes. Subscribe to Google’s Inside AdSense blog to ensure that you stay up to date with the latest news. Google also runs a free online course on Adsense, which may come in very handy.

20. Keep Split-testing and Keep Tweaking

Keep trying out different unit sizes and positions of your ads on the page. Run several ads and see which one gets you the highest earnings per 1,000 visitors. Then split test again. And again.


There are plenty of tweaks you can make to increase your AdSense revenue, but in the end it all boils down to attracting traffic and offering the best user experience possible.

20 Tips And Tricks To Earn More Revenue With Adsense

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